Lawn Square Footage
5,000-10,000 sqft
Basic Service- $34 per service
Lawn Care General maintenance
Mowing/Trimming- Weekly/ Covers April 1st- October 31st (blowing walks/lot included)
Edging- Sidewalks as needed (included with mowing/trimming)
Service calls- Call us to come out for any General maintenance or Lawn care related issues free of charge
Premium Service- $235 per month
Lawn Care General maintenance
Spring cleanup- Entire property- leaves, sticks, debris (before mowing starts)
Mowing/Trimming- Weekly/ Covers March 1st- October 31st (blowing walks/lot included)
Pruning- Entire property- bushes/trees up to 15ft as needed
Edging- Sidewalks as needed (included with mowing/trimming
Bed weed control- Bed Maintenance weekly/every service
Fall clean up- Entire property- leaves, sticks, debris, cut back ornamental grasses/flowers (Weekly throughout November)
Lawn care program
Lawn weed control- Broadleaf and Crab grass pre-emergent in late March/ early April
Lawn weed/grub control- March 1st-Oct 31st (every six weeks with spot spraying every service)
Fall Core Aeration- Late September/ early October
Service calls- Call us to come out for any General maintenance or Lawn care related issues free of charge
All other services extra (mulch, planting, etc.)
If neither programs work for you, please contact us and let us know what we can do to meet your needs and we will tailor a service program and price specific for you.
We will schedule a time to come and introduce ourselves and inspect your yard before we begin service.
*Additional Services*
Brick edge
Tree Rings
Slit Seeding
Sod installation
Custom Plantings
Grub and Insect control
Tree and Shrub Fertilization
Specialty Lawn Applications
Fall/Spring Clean Ups
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Over 10,000 sq ft will require quote. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
We accept cash, check or credit cards
Commercial- Call or Email for quote!